Fani Theoharopoulou

Η φυσικοθεραπεία είναι μία ολόκληρη επιστήμη που ασχολείται με τη φυσική αποκατάσταση  της υγείας του ανθρώπου. Η σπουδαιότητά της, τα τελευταία χρόνια έχει μεταβληθεί κάτι, που  διαφαίνεται τόσο από τη γνωστική δυναμική και την ερευνητική κατάρτιση που επιδεικνύουν …



Fani Theoharopoulou

Why Baby’s Sense of Smell is Important

What’s in a Scent?

They say the nose knows. That couldn’t be truer for your newborn. Their sense of smell is not just incredibly strong, but it helps them learn about people and places, ...

Fani Theoharopoulou

Early Detection + Early Intervention = A Life Full of Possibilities

Baby’s early years are some of the most important years for their development, which is why early detection and early intervention are so critical. In the first years of baby’s life, their brain ha...

Fani Theoharopoulou

Baby-Proofing: 14 Tips for Your Home

Baby-Proofing: 14 Tips for Your Home

Your little one is movin’ and cruisin’! So what’s next? Now the challenge is making sure your house is ready for your toddler’s new explorations. Fol...